Did you know horses improve human self-awareness and emotional intelligence?

Stranded at home during the Circuit Breaker can be the opportunity to explore new areas of self-development, discover new things/experiences through articles, posts, videos, etc.
When confinement is over, yearning to nature, you might consider trying equine facilitated learning.

As prey animals, horses have a tightened awareness, sensing body language, intention and arousal levels of those around them.
One of the most prominent qualities with horses is their ability to keep us in the now, to help us be truly present in our lives.
Engaging emotional intelligence, horses will always reflect back to us where our outer self and our inner self are not in alignment allowing us to develop an awareness of the areas of our lives which are incongruent and causing inner conflict.

I had the chance to participate in three workshops and it literally changed me. With this experience, I gained confidence, self-awareness, more intuitive communication, enhanced my leadership skills.

This article explains the high interest of equine facilitated learning.


Written By: Sophie D’Anselme

Edited By: Melanie Herve