Learning Expedition Programme with ESCEN 2020

Before the seemingly never-ending circuit breaker hit Singapore, I had the honour of coordinating a Learning Expedition Programme(LXP): a 7-week series of talks at Alliance Française Singapore with ESCEN (Ecole Supérieure de Commerce et d'Economie Numérique - France) and Atlas Students.

The students enjoyed the authenticity and richness of the talks, with topics ranging all the way from self-awareness to entrepreneurship.

To kick off the whole experience, Geraldine Gauthier, founder of W2P Consulting, conducted an amazing coaching session to the students, engaging them to reflect on their life purpose and surprising them with 10 squats in the middle of the presentation!

ESCEN LXP launch.jpg

Denis Branthonne CEO of NOVADE also inspired the students to step out of their comfort zone and shared great tips such as: "The most essential skills in entrepreneurship is recruiting and managing teams. You don't learn this at school but through experiences".

The second round of talks included a digital masterclass from Erwan Mace, Founder at MYCYBERHOME PTE LTD, where he shared valuable strategies and insight with the students.

David Bachelier, Co-Founder & Managing Director at CAPITALAB, then took to the stage to speak about Finance and left a mark with his Motto: "The three most important things in a startup: people, people, people"!

Finally, Alexis Zirah, Co-Founder at LUXIFY, also struck students with how to avoid pitfalls in a start-up and was extremely encouraging.


Last but not least, Julien Halley & Jérôme David, both Founders of the Advisory Group at TREÏS Group inspired the students with their focus on Sustainability and emphasis on nurturing a culture of hand-over.

Written By: Sophie D’Anselme

Edited By: Melanie Herve